Christoph Gockel

T-1 day

30 Jun 2014

Today I already went to the 8th Light office to sign my contract and do some preparations for the first tasks I’ll get.

Jim and I planned the tasks for this week. Among other things, it involves creating a Tic Tac Toe implementation in Ruby, in order to familiarize myself better with the language.
Another part is setting up a blog for my apprenticeship (hint: you currently look at the results of it). Setting up the GitHub Pages infrastructure was pretty straightforward. Apart from the fact that I needed to manually install libxml2 and libxslt via homebrew – which apparently had something to do with my current OS X version.

I’ve been to the office last friday already to meet Jim and the other apprentices. We went to lunch together, and talked about upcoming topics and some paper work that needs to be done. Everybody has been very friendly and welcoming.

Tomorrow is my official commencement date and I’m really looking forward to this apprenticeship.

I’m happy to be part of 8th Light.